If it doesn't destroy you, It will make you Stronger
Life dose not always be smooth and move in the way we want it.
we face problems, difficult time and challenges, but the best thing
when we learn from those times.
I have couple of sms which i really saved them in my phone and i read them
when i ever face problem. They kind of give me support
Life is full of stones
we should not stumble by them
we should gather to claim on top
If one can do it,
you can do it.
If none can do it then,
you MUST do it
Make peace with your past,
so it won't mess up the present
Success is not measure by how high we go up in life,
but rather by how many time we bounce back when we fall down
Not measured by our position in life,
but by the obstracts we overcome to get there.
sometime we must be hurt in order to grow
sometime we must fail in order to know
sometime we must lose in order to gain
Because some lesson in life are best learned through pain
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you
but to help you realize your hidden potential and power
Let difficulties know you are difficult
كنت كاتب تعليق بالانجليزي
ReplyDeleteبس قلت ليش اتفلسف ما في داعي
فكرة جميلة انك تكون محتفظ بشئ يخليك تعيد ثقتك بنفسك
تعرف في علم البرمجة اللغوية العصبية يسمى هذا بالربط
مثلا لمن رابط انت رابط الثقة بقراءة الرسائل
جرب اقرا رسالة واربطها في عقلك بانك دايما تفكر في الرسالة هذه وتحس بشعور معين
بعد فترة راح تجد انو عقلك الباطن تقبل ان الرسالة هذه تؤدي الى الشعور الذي عودت نفسك فيه
ما بعرف كلامي مفهوم او لا
بس جميلة منك
وعن اذنك ححفظهم كرسائل نصية في جهاز
هلا غريب منور المكان
ReplyDeleteكلامك مفهوم وشاهدته في فيلم اسمه law of attraction