اللهم اجعل صباحي هذا نازلاً عليّ بضياء الهدى وبالسلامة في الدين والدنيا
ومسائي جنة من كيد العدى ووقاية من مرديات الهوى إنك قادر على ما تشاء
تؤتي الملك من تشاء وتنزع الملك ممن تشاء
وتعز من تشاء وتذل من تشاء بيدك الخير إنك على كل شيء قدير
إذا رأيت الله يحبس عنك الدنيا ويكثر عليك الشدائد والبلوى ..
فاعلم أنك عزيز عنده .. وأنك عنده بمكان ..
وأنه يسلك بك طريق أوليائه وأصفيائه ..
وأنه .. يراك ..
أما تسمع قوله تعالى .. (( واصبر لحكم ربك فإنك بأعيننا )) ..

How to Stop Feeling Guilty

Feeling of guilt nag us and ruin our chances of happiness.
If you have a guilty conscience for something you did or if you feel unreasonably guilty, you can change this. Here's how to overcome guilty feelings.
Did you hurt someone's feelings, lie, shoplift, or make a mistake?
If you've done financial damage, pay it back.
You can send it anonymously if you want, but your conscience will finally be free of that never-returned-library-book or the office supplies you took home from work.

2. If it was harm to another person, apologize.
Did you turn your back on your children after the divorce,
break off a relationship in a hurtful way,
or gossip about someone?
Write them a letter and tell them you've suffered for the wrong you did to them.
Don't make lots of excuses, though it is okay to explain what your thinking was at that time.
Tell them you feel badly about it and wish you could change what happened.
3. If the person is no longer around or has died, you can still relieve some of the guilt that lingers from your misdeeds.
It's mostly ceremonial, but write them a letter telling them you are sorry.
In a safe place, read over the letter and think about what you have learned from the experience. Then light a match and burn the letter.
This is best done outside or in a fireplace.
Writing helps to get to the root of your guilt feelings.
Just exploring the situations where you feel guilty and your thoughts about that can be theraputic.
Keep the writing in a safe place where others won't accidentally read it or destroy the writing after it has served its purpose.
5. Recognize that some decisions that you made in the past may have been mistakes.
At the time you made those decisions, perhaps you were under pressure or not thinking clearly or did not have all the information that you now know.
Consciously think this through and realize that you did the best you could under the circumstances.
6. In some cases, the feelings of guilt are instilled in you by a parent, a teacher, or religion.
Try to sort out the difference between your current beliefs and life and the situation in the past that you feel guilty about.
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