These days, we have so many responsibilities, tasks and assignments to do, and not enough time to complete them!
Things You'll Need:
Planner or Calendar
Yourself ;)
Planner or Calendar
Yourself ;)
1. Plan ahead.
A good plan ensures success. Start your day with a plan everyday to manage your time effectively and to make progress on your work assignments.
2. Schedule your day.
Create a daily schedule where you set aside specific time during the day when you can perform routine tasks and then plan your work assignments around those times. Routine tasks are those tasks that you perform daily or very often, including tasks such as filing paperwork, sorting mail, checking email or returning phone calls. Try to complete these tasks everyday at a set time. Schedule only 50% of your day. Leave room between assignments, errands and appointments. This will give you plenty of time to get your work done and helps to reduce stress.
3. Manage your time.
Take out your task list and prioritize this list. Use a letter or number system to reflect tasks that are of immediate, moderate or low importance. Now schedule these tasks into your planner or on your calendar and stick to it. Do not procrastinate.
4. Delegate tasks.
If possible, delegate responsibilities and assignments. Choose to delegate tasks that do not require your direct input and will not interfere with your prioritized work assignments. Do not be afraid to delegate tasks. It will not only help you to work more effectively, but may help to foster a more cooperative work environment
5. Get started and focus!
Get started on your task list immediately and work steadily on one task at a time. Multi-tasking is best reserved for easy tasks such as checking email and voice-mail at the same time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by breaking down larger tasks into smaller more manageable steps. Focus and pay attention to what you are doing. Determine how long each task should take or how long you want to work on it. Set a timer! When the time is up, move on the next assignment on your task list.
6. Set up personalized systems to manage routine tasks such as filing paperwork or writing daily reports.
A work routine can help with keeping your work space clear and uncluttered, thereby helping to get work done. An In-Out-Pending tray/box system can help with sorting paperwork, pending tasks, or incomplete reading. A mail sorting system can help you to sort through your mailbox with ease and to respond to important mail. Any system that you can set up to help with tasks that you do frequently will help to reduce your workload by allowing you to get to the larger and more important projects.
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