طبعا الكثير منا يتمنى يدخل في علاقه او البعض خلاص في علاقه والبعض ينتظر الفرج ويحصل وحده
والبعض ندمان على فقدان حبيب تخلى عنه بيوم ما فكر في كيف كان يحبه
الموضوع اسفل يتكلم عن الزواج ولكن يمكن الشخص ياخذ منه معلومات او طريقه ليرتبط بشخصلاننا في بعض الاحيان نركض وراء الحب وننطق بكلمه احبك ولكن بعد مرور الوقت نكتشف تسرعنا
المهم اخليكم مع الموضوع وعاااااد السموحه بالانجليزيه

Choosing the right person to marry can be challenging currently, when people seem to marry just for the sake of being married, so they are not alone or stop society pressure on them. However, this is one time not to follow the herd, because there are simply too many people rushing into marriage without thinking of the consequences. Marriage is supposed to be forever, but how can it be forever when people get married for the wedding party and presents, pregnancy, and the fear of being alone? If you get married for one of those reasons, you will surely find yourself headed for divorce court eventually. The trick, of course, is to choose the right person the first time.

Things You'll Need:
Trust that getting married is something in the hands of Allah and if the right one has not appeared yet, then it is all for your own good.
Choosing the right person to marry can be challenging currently, when people seem to marry just for the sake of being married, so they are not alone or stop society pressure on them. However, this is one time not to follow the herd, because there are simply too many people rushing into marriage without thinking of the consequences. Marriage is supposed to be forever, but how can it be forever when people get married for the wedding party and presents, pregnancy, and the fear of being alone? If you get married for one of those reasons, you will surely find yourself headed for divorce court eventually. The trick, of course, is to choose the right person the first time.

Things You'll Need:
Finding the perfect wo/man is never an easy task and never goes according to any plan that one may develop in her head. The first step to finding the perfect one for you is figuring out exactly what you want and begin to acquire those qualities.
Becoming what you wish to attract is always the best course of action in attracting the right one. If you want a trustworthy man, you must become a trustworthy woman; if you want a caring man, then you need to become a caring woman. This simple technique will help you attract the right type of person to you.
Rushing to marriage never works. Take your time and develop a strong friendship first before heading to the next level. Building a strong friendship allows the two of you to gain the trust and open communication, which is vital to a healthy relationship.
Relaxing and taking the time to get to know a wo/man inside and out is a great way to determine if s/he is the right one. Do not try to hurry love; go leisurely, always take your time, and if the relationship does not seem right on the mark, back off.
Settling for a mediocre relationship is never good, so do not settle for it. Speak up if there is something huge that annoys you. You deserve a person who will make you feel great, emotionally, sexually and in all the ways, which are important in a relationship. Men who begin belittling you or controlling in the early stages of the relationship will only do it more as time passes.
Settling for a mediocre relationship is never good, so do not settle for it. Speak up if there is something huge that annoys you. You deserve a person who will make you feel great, emotionally, sexually and in all the ways, which are important in a relationship. Men who begin belittling you or controlling in the early stages of the relationship will only do it more as time passes.
Trust that getting married is something in the hands of Allah and if the right one has not appeared yet, then it is all for your own good.
جميل جد الشعر الانجلو عربي
ReplyDeleteرهيييييب صراحة باين اللي كتبه كان في قمة الصفاء
على البحر وعنده شيشة خخخخ
الخطوات الدليلة الموجودة بشوف انها اكثر تميل للمغايرين اكثر من المثليين
لكن هي جميلة جدا لو وجدت الفرصة للمثلي للاختبار
احيانا الحب يجي بدون سابق انذار وما يحتاج خطوات ولا يحتاج روية لكن المشكلة تكممن في ردة الطرف الاخر حتى ىلو كان مثلي فهنا يجب الاهتمام بالطرف الاخر قبل اعلانه
اما انا فبحبك
عاجبك ولا مش عاجبك بحبك
مرورك رائع صديقي
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