اللهم بجاه أفضل الخلق و إمام المرسلين سيدنا محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة و أتم التسليم
أعدهم إلى ديارهم سالمين آمنين غانمين يا ارحم الراحمين
و وفقهم لحج مبرور وسعي مشكور وذنب بإذن الله مغفور
How to Prevent Backaches?

1. Get your body in better shape to protect your back from injury and pain.
Extra weight is one of the first causes of backaches. With every lb. you take off, it's one less lb. your back has to carry around. Eat sensibly to keep your weight at the proper level for maximum back performance and health. If you have a serious weight problem, see your doctor for a safe and smart eating regimen.

2. Exercise.
Many back injuries are caused by people straining something because they are unaccustomed to moving a certain way. Picking something up, bending over to tie your shoes, or reaching behind you to put your arm in a coat, can all cause injury. It doesn't take much, it just takes a wrong movement in an out of shape muscle to create pain. Walking just 20 minutes three times a week will make a big difference. If you're up to it, try some aerobic exercise or join a gym with a swimming pool which is the best all around exercise out there. You need to move your muscles to keep them limber.
A few stretching exercises will also yield great results. Reach up to the ceiling or to the top of the cabinets and down to the floor. Stretch gently, moving a little at a time. Never make sudden or jerky movements which in themselves can cause injury. Stretch from side to side and bend from the waist. Don't bounce. Use slow and gentle movements to strengthen without injury.
Don't give in to fashions that make your feet miserable because the pain will show up sooner or later in your back. Women should wear low pumps or wedges or flats that are of good quality with arch support and a little cushioning in the sole. Men should wear supportive dress and casual shoes as well. It is worth a little extra money to go and be fitted for shoes to find the styles and brands to shop for in the future.
Basketball requires basketball shoes for the most protection, as do shoes for running, walking, hiking and so on. Despite price, the most damaging shoes you can put on your feet are not cheap shoes but ill fitting ones. Whether they are too tight or too loose, poorly fitting shoes will cause you to walk improperly, shifting your weight and putting a strain on your back.
Mom knew what she was talking about when she uttered those words endlessly. Poor posture always creates poor alignment of the spine, hips and shoulders. This will cause anything from discomfort to agony if you keep it up. Practice the book on the head while walking trick-- it really works for teaching you to stand up straight. Proper posture improves your breathing and stamina as well.
It will strain some part of your body. Sitting at a computer for too long will strain your shoulder and neck muscles. Standing too long can cause pain in the low back. Hunching over a desk can cause your back to ache between the shoulder blades. If your job requires you to sit for eight hours, stretch your legs under the desk, twist at the waist in your chair once in a while. Arch your back once in a while--gently. When you walk to lunch or to the rest room, use the time to move around as much as possible.
If you are out of shape, lift slowly and gently and think about getting some help with big jobs. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart to give you a firm stance before lifting. Always lift things by bending your knees instead of bending your back over the item. Let your legs bear the strain, not your back. Tighten your stomach muscles as your pick something up because that gives greater protection to your back. Carry boxes in front of you, using both hands and keeping your back straight. To lift something with a handle like a heavy suitcase, stand beside it and bend with both knees to pick it up and then straighten back up with it in your hand.
Muscles produce an acidic waste product as they are used. If the body is not hydrated enough, this waste product builds up and can cause the muscles to be inflamed and tender and more prone to injury and pain. Eat regular meals and get enough sleep. All pain is aggravated by poor diet and lack of sleep.
If you have a lot of lifting to do invest in a back brace made to protect your lower back. Get help for big jobs if you are unaccustomed to lifting. Never pick up anything that seems too heavy to you without help. With a few precautions and exercises and a little weight loss, you can prevent nearly all of the back injuries and pain that trouble most sufferers.

1. Get your body in better shape to protect your back from injury and pain.
Extra weight is one of the first causes of backaches. With every lb. you take off, it's one less lb. your back has to carry around. Eat sensibly to keep your weight at the proper level for maximum back performance and health. If you have a serious weight problem, see your doctor for a safe and smart eating regimen.

2. Exercise.
Many back injuries are caused by people straining something because they are unaccustomed to moving a certain way. Picking something up, bending over to tie your shoes, or reaching behind you to put your arm in a coat, can all cause injury. It doesn't take much, it just takes a wrong movement in an out of shape muscle to create pain. Walking just 20 minutes three times a week will make a big difference. If you're up to it, try some aerobic exercise or join a gym with a swimming pool which is the best all around exercise out there. You need to move your muscles to keep them limber.
A few stretching exercises will also yield great results. Reach up to the ceiling or to the top of the cabinets and down to the floor. Stretch gently, moving a little at a time. Never make sudden or jerky movements which in themselves can cause injury. Stretch from side to side and bend from the waist. Don't bounce. Use slow and gentle movements to strengthen without injury.
Don't give in to fashions that make your feet miserable because the pain will show up sooner or later in your back. Women should wear low pumps or wedges or flats that are of good quality with arch support and a little cushioning in the sole. Men should wear supportive dress and casual shoes as well. It is worth a little extra money to go and be fitted for shoes to find the styles and brands to shop for in the future.
Basketball requires basketball shoes for the most protection, as do shoes for running, walking, hiking and so on. Despite price, the most damaging shoes you can put on your feet are not cheap shoes but ill fitting ones. Whether they are too tight or too loose, poorly fitting shoes will cause you to walk improperly, shifting your weight and putting a strain on your back.
Mom knew what she was talking about when she uttered those words endlessly. Poor posture always creates poor alignment of the spine, hips and shoulders. This will cause anything from discomfort to agony if you keep it up. Practice the book on the head while walking trick-- it really works for teaching you to stand up straight. Proper posture improves your breathing and stamina as well.
It will strain some part of your body. Sitting at a computer for too long will strain your shoulder and neck muscles. Standing too long can cause pain in the low back. Hunching over a desk can cause your back to ache between the shoulder blades. If your job requires you to sit for eight hours, stretch your legs under the desk, twist at the waist in your chair once in a while. Arch your back once in a while--gently. When you walk to lunch or to the rest room, use the time to move around as much as possible.
If you are out of shape, lift slowly and gently and think about getting some help with big jobs. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart to give you a firm stance before lifting. Always lift things by bending your knees instead of bending your back over the item. Let your legs bear the strain, not your back. Tighten your stomach muscles as your pick something up because that gives greater protection to your back. Carry boxes in front of you, using both hands and keeping your back straight. To lift something with a handle like a heavy suitcase, stand beside it and bend with both knees to pick it up and then straighten back up with it in your hand.
Muscles produce an acidic waste product as they are used. If the body is not hydrated enough, this waste product builds up and can cause the muscles to be inflamed and tender and more prone to injury and pain. Eat regular meals and get enough sleep. All pain is aggravated by poor diet and lack of sleep.
If you have a lot of lifting to do invest in a back brace made to protect your lower back. Get help for big jobs if you are unaccustomed to lifting. Never pick up anything that seems too heavy to you without help. With a few precautions and exercises and a little weight loss, you can prevent nearly all of the back injuries and pain that trouble most sufferers.