Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to Prevent Backaches?

بما ان الحين الكل يستعد للعيد وشغلااات العيد والناس بدت تطنش الدوام والله مستغر منهم اجازه تسع ايام وبعدهم يطالبوا زياده المهم خلنا من هذا وذالك يعني بعدني في الدوام وقلت اشاطركم هذا الموضوع يعني عسى ولعل يفيد احد منكم

اللهم بجاه نبيك الكريم يسر أمور الحجاج و أحسن ختامهم وتقبل منهم الحج والزيارة يا ارحم الراحمين
اللهم بجاه أفضل الخلق و إمام المرسلين سيدنا محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة و أتم التسليم
أعدهم إلى ديارهم سالمين آمنين غانمين يا ارحم الراحمين
و وفقهم لحج مبرور وسعي مشكور وذنب بإذن الله مغفور

How to Prevent Backaches?

1. Get your body in better shape to protect your back from injury and pain.

Extra weight is one of the first causes of backaches. With every lb. you take off, it's one less lb. your back has to carry around. Eat sensibly to keep your weight at the proper level for maximum back performance and health. If you have a serious weight problem, see your doctor for a safe and smart eating regimen.

2. Exercise.

Many back injuries are caused by people straining something because they are unaccustomed to moving a certain way. Picking something up, bending over to tie your shoes, or reaching behind you to put your arm in a coat, can all cause injury. It doesn't take much, it just takes a wrong movement in an out of shape muscle to create pain. Walking just 20 minutes three times a week will make a big difference. If you're up to it, try some aerobic exercise or join a gym with a swimming pool which is the best all around exercise out there. You need to move your muscles to keep them limber.

3. Stretch throughout your day.

A few stretching exercises will also yield great results. Reach up to the ceiling or to the top of the cabinets and down to the floor. Stretch gently, moving a little at a time. Never make sudden or jerky movements which in themselves can cause injury. Stretch from side to side and bend from the waist. Don't bounce. Use slow and gentle movements to strengthen without injury.

4. Support your whole body by wearing good supportive shoes.

Don't give in to fashions that make your feet miserable because the pain will show up sooner or later in your back. Women should wear low pumps or wedges or flats that are of good quality with arch support and a little cushioning in the sole. Men should wear supportive dress and casual shoes as well. It is worth a little extra money to go and be fitted for shoes to find the styles and brands to shop for in the future.

5. Remember also that the shoes should fit the activity.

Basketball requires basketball shoes for the most protection, as do shoes for running, walking, hiking and so on. Despite price, the most damaging shoes you can put on your feet are not cheap shoes but ill fitting ones. Whether they are too tight or too loose, poorly fitting shoes will cause you to walk improperly, shifting your weight and putting a strain on your back.

6. Stand up straight.

Mom knew what she was talking about when she uttered those words endlessly. Poor posture always creates poor alignment of the spine, hips and shoulders. This will cause anything from discomfort to agony if you keep it up. Practice the book on the head while walking trick-- it really works for teaching you to stand up straight. Proper posture improves your breathing and stamina as well.

7. Don't sit or stand in one position for too long.

It will strain some part of your body. Sitting at a computer for too long will strain your shoulder and neck muscles. Standing too long can cause pain in the low back. Hunching over a desk can cause your back to ache between the shoulder blades. If your job requires you to sit for eight hours, stretch your legs under the desk, twist at the waist in your chair once in a while. Arch your back once in a while--gently. When you walk to lunch or to the rest room, use the time to move around as much as possible.

8. Lift things properly.

If you are out of shape, lift slowly and gently and think about getting some help with big jobs. Keep your feet about shoulder width apart to give you a firm stance before lifting. Always lift things by bending your knees instead of bending your back over the item. Let your legs bear the strain, not your back. Tighten your stomach muscles as your pick something up because that gives greater protection to your back. Carry boxes in front of you, using both hands and keeping your back straight. To lift something with a handle like a heavy suitcase, stand beside it and bend with both knees to pick it up and then straighten back up with it in your hand.

9. Drink lots of fluids, especially water.

Muscles produce an acidic waste product as they are used. If the body is not hydrated enough, this waste product builds up and can cause the muscles to be inflamed and tender and more prone to injury and pain. Eat regular meals and get enough sleep. All pain is aggravated by poor diet and lack of sleep.

10. Use extra back protection if it's needed.

If you have a lot of lifting to do invest in a back brace made to protect your lower back. Get help for big jobs if you are unaccustomed to lifting. Never pick up anything that seems too heavy to you without help. With a few precautions and exercises and a little weight loss, you can prevent nearly all of the back injuries and pain that trouble most sufferers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

National Day In Sultanate Of Oman 18 November

بمناسبة العيد الوطني ال٣٩ احب ان اعبر عن مدى امتناني لقائد دولتنا السلطان قابوس بن سعيد حفظه الله ورعاه .. هة صحيح اليوم مداومين بس فرحااااااااااااااااااااااااااان
لست من المطبلين لدوله ولكن تبقى لدوله افضال علي وعلى جميع الشعبعلمتني منذ صغري واتاحت لي الدراسه في الخارج وعمل في وطن وبين الاهل الشكر لله اولا وثم للقائد عمان ليسنا جميعنا كاملين ولكن يتبادر السوال لناقمين والمنتقدين ماذا قدمتم انتم للوطن؟؟؟

اللهم احفظ بلادنا وممتلكاتنا وأرواحنا من كل حاسد وحاقد , اللهم من أرادنا بسوء فاشغله بنفسه ورد كيده في نحره
اللهم احفظ عُمــان و جميع بلاد المسلمين من كيد المعتدين

اللهم أمِّنا في أوطاننا، وأصلح أئمتنا وولاة أمورنا، وأيد بالحق إمامنا وولي أمرنا، اللهم وفقه لما تحب وترضى،
اللهم خذ بناصيته للبر والتقوى، اللهم ارزقه البطانة الصالحة التي تدله على الخير وتعينه عليه،
اللهم وفق جميع ولاة المسلمين للحكم بشريعتك، وأتباع سنة نبيك صلى الله عليه وسلم يا سميع الدعاء.

اللهم صلِ على سيدنا محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم و آل إبراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد
و بارك على محمد و على آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم و آل إبراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد

هنا نستقبل التهاني والتبريكاااااااااااات للمقام السامي
* نغير شوي عن مواضيعنا

Monday, November 16, 2009

How to choose the right person to marry?

طبعا الكثير منا يتمنى يدخل في علاقه او البعض خلاص في علاقه والبعض ينتظر الفرج ويحصل وحده
والبعض ندمان على فقدان حبيب تخلى عنه بيوم ما فكر في كيف كان يحبه
الموضوع اسفل يتكلم عن الزواج ولكن يمكن الشخص ياخذ منه معلومات او طريقه ليرتبط بشخصلاننا في بعض الاحيان نركض وراء الحب وننطق بكلمه احبك ولكن بعد مرور الوقت نكتشف تسرعنا
المهم اخليكم مع الموضوع وعاااااد السموحه بالانجليزيه


Choosing the right person to marry can be challenging currently, when people seem to marry just for the sake of being married, so they are not alone or stop society pressure on them. However, this is one time not to follow the herd, because there are simply too many people rushing into marriage without thinking of the consequences. Marriage is supposed to be forever, but how can it be forever when people get married for the wedding party and presents, pregnancy, and the fear of being alone? If you get married for one of those reasons, you will surely find yourself headed for divorce court eventually. The trick, of course, is to choose the right person the first time.

Things You'll Need:



Finding the perfect wo/man is never an easy task and never goes according to any plan that one may develop in her head. The first step to finding the perfect one for you is figuring out exactly what you want and begin to acquire those qualities.


Becoming what you wish to attract is always the best course of action in attracting the right one. If you want a trustworthy man, you must become a trustworthy woman; if you want a caring man, then you need to become a caring woman. This simple technique will help you attract the right type of person to you.


Rushing to marriage never works. Take your time and develop a strong friendship first before heading to the next level. Building a strong friendship allows the two of you to gain the trust and open communication, which is vital to a healthy relationship.


Relaxing and taking the time to get to know a wo/man inside and out is a great way to determine if s/he is the right one. Do not try to hurry love; go leisurely, always take your time, and if the relationship does not seem right on the mark, back off.
Settling for a mediocre relationship is never good, so do not settle for it. Speak up if there is something huge that annoys you. You deserve a person who will make you feel great, emotionally, sexually and in all the ways, which are important in a relationship. Men who begin belittling you or controlling in the early stages of the relationship will only do it more as time passes.


Trust that getting married is something in the hands of Allah and if the right one has not appeared yet, then it is all for your own good.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


مساء الورد والنور

مدونتي الغاليه اشتقتلك

انتي متنفسي الوحيد في عالم اختبي فيه عن من هو انا

ها اليومين شوي مضغوط وبصراحه صارت اشياء بعضها قتلتني من الرعب

ولذلك حتى امس ما داومت بس بذكرها في وقتها

بنقل لكم من بريدي قصص حلوه وان شاء الله اليوم بالليل بكمل كتابة ما بدات


القصة الاولى:

مواطن بلجيكي دأب طوال 20عاماً على عبور الحدود نحو ألمانيا بشكل يومي على دراجته الهوائية حاملا على ظهره حقيبة مملوءة بالتراب، وكان رجال الحدود الألمان على يقين انه "يهرب" شيئاً ما ولكنهم في كل مرة لا يجدون معه غير التراب (!).

السر الحقيقي لم يكشف إلا بعد وفاة السيد ديستان حين وجدت في مذكراته الجملة التالية:

"حتى زوجتي لم تعلم انني بنيت ثروتي على تهريب الدراجات إلى ألمانيا"!!.

أما عنصر الذكاء هنا فهو ذر الرماد في العيون وتحويل أنظار الناس عن هدفك الحقيقي


القصة الثانية

:أيضاً، جاء عن حذيفة بن اليمان انه قال:

دعاني رسول الله ونحن في غزوة الخندق

فقال لي: اذهب الى معسكر قريش فانظر ماذا يفعلون،

فذهبت فدخلت في القوم (والريح من شدتها لا تجعل احداً يعرف احدا)

فقال ابو سفيان: يا معشر قريش لينظر كل امرئ من يجالس (خوفا من الدخلاء والجواسيس)

فقال حذيفة: فأخذت بيد الرجل الذي بجانبي

وقلت: من أنت يا رجل؟ فقال مرتبكا: أنا فلان بن فلان!.

وعنصر الذكاء هنا.. أخذ زمام المبادرة والتصرف بثقة تبعد الشك؟


القصة الثالثه:

أما أبو حنيفة فتحدث يوما

فقال: احتجت إلى الماء بالبادية فمر اعرابي ومعه قربة ماء فأبى

إلا أن يبيعني اياها بخمسة دراهم فدفعت إليه الدراهم ولم يكن معي غيره

ا.. وبعد أن ارتويت قلت: يا أعرابي هل لك في السويق،

قال: هات.. فأعطيته سويقا جافا اكل منه حتى عطش

ثم قال: ناولني شربة ماء؟ قلت: القدح بخمسة دراهم،

فاسترددت مالي واحتفظت بالقربة!!.

وعنصر الذكاء هنا إضمار النية وخلق ظروف الفوز!!


القصة الرابعة

وأخيراً هناك حركة ذكية بالفعل قام بها أحد النبلاء الفرنسيين..

فذات يوم عاد لقصره قلقاً متجهم الوجه فسألته زوجته عن السبب

فقال: أخبرني الماركيز كاجيلسترو (وكان معروفا بممارسة السحر والعرافة)

انك تخونينني مع أقرب أصدقائي فصفعته بلا شعور..

فقالت الزوجة بهدوء: وهل أفهم من هذا أنك لم تصدق ادعاءه!؟ فقال: بالطبع لم أصدق كلامه،

إلا أنه هددني بقوله "إن كان كلامي صحيحا ستستيقظ غدا وقد تحولتَ إلى قطة سوداء"!

.. وفي صباح اليوم التالي استيقظت الزوجة فوجدت بجانبها قطة نائمة

فصرخت من الرعب والفزع ثم عادت وركعت أمامها تعتذر وتطلب منها الصفح والغفران

.. وفي تلك اللحظة بالذات خرج الزوج من خلف الستارة وبيده سيف مسلط!.

وعنصر الذكاء هنا هو استغلال خرافات الآخرين والاتجاه بتفكيرهم لنهاية تخدم مصلحتك


القصة الخامسة:
عندما كادت هيئة المحكمة أن تنطق بحكم الاعدام

على قاتل زوجته والتى لم يتم العثور على جثتها رغم توافر كل الادلة التى تدين الزوج -

.. وقف محامى الدفاع يتعلق بأى قشة لينقذ موكله

... ثم قال للقاضى "ليصدر حكماً باعدام على قاتل ...

لابد من أن تتوافر لهيئة المحكمة يقين لا يقبل الشك بأن المتهم قد قتل الضحية ..

و الآن .. سيدخل من باب المحكمة ...

دليل قوى على براءة موكلى و على أن زوجته حية ترزق !!...

و فتح باب المحكمة و اتجهت أنظار كل من فى القاعة الى الباب ..

.و بعد لحظات من الصمت و الترقب ...لم يدخل أحد من الباب ..

.و هنا قال المحامى ...الكل كان ينتظر دخول القتيلة !!

و هذا يؤكد أنه ليس لديكم قناعة مائة بالمائة بأن موكلى قتل زوجته !!!

و هنا هاجت القاعة اعجاباً بذكاء المحامى .

.و تداول القضاة الموقف ...و جاء الحكم المفاجأة

....حكم بالإعدام لتوافر يقين لا يقبل الشك بأن الرجل قتل زوجته !!!

و بعد الحكم تساءل الناس كيف يصدر مثل هذا الحكم ...فرد القاضى ببساطة...

عندما أوحى المحامى لنا جميعاً بأن الزوجة لم تقتل و مازالت حية ...
توجهت أنظارنا جميعاً الى الباب منتظرين دخولهاالا شخصاً واحداً فى القاعة !!!انه الزوج المتهم !!

لأنه يعلم جيداً أن زوجته قتلت ...و أن الموتى لا يسيرون


أبو صالح و أبو راشد قاعدين يطالعون الأخبار في بلدتهم( بريدة) في القصيم بالسعودية
أبو راشد - وش قاعد تفكر فيه يا بو صالح؟
أبو صالح - أفكر بهالدين العظيم اللي انتشر من أقصى الأرض اللى أقصاها. ناظر هالمسلمين الصينيين.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- بس ترى هذول ما يعرفون من الدين الا القشور. طبايعهم زي الأجانب، بس يصلون. المسلمين الصدق هم العرب اللي يفهمون القرآن و الأحاديث.
و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- و بعد ترى موب كل العرب مسلمين صحيحين. عندك هالشوام و المصاروه و المغاربه و الله حتى ما يصلون صلاة ربي. ان بغيت المسلمين الصدق تراهم أهل الجزيرة و الخليج.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- و موب بعد كل الخليج. ترى كل هالدول تسمح بالخمر و بالكنايس، الدين الصدق هو ديننا حنا يا أهل السعودية.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- بس عندك بعد أهل الشرقية حريمهم ما يغطون وجيهم، و أهل الغربية حريمهم بعد ما يتغطون و يشيشون، و أهل الشمال حريمهم ما يتغطون عن رجالهم و يجلسون معهم و يضيفوهم. و أهل الجنوب مثلك خابر عندهم بدع واجد. الدين الصدق موجود هنيه عندنا في الوسطى و القصيم.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- بس ترى عندك هنا في الوسطى الناس يتتنون (يدخنون) و يسمعون موسيقى و العياذ بالله. الدين الصدق هنيه ببريدة.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- بس بعد بريدة موب كل حارة زي الثانية، ترى أكثر أهل بريدة مركبين دشوش و يشوفون القنوات الماجنة. ما فيه مثل حارتنا مافيه و لا دش واحد.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
- بس الله يهديهم جيراننا موب دايم تشوف عيالهم في المسجد، و لا تشوفهم دايم في صلاة الفجر. الصراحة يا بو راشد ما فيه في الحارة يصلون الفجر دايم في المسجد الا أنا و انت.
- و الله أنك صادق يا أبو صالح.
بس أشوفك يا بو راشد هالأيام ما تخشع زين في صلاة الفجر!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


صباحك الله بالخير يا اهل الخير
هو صحيح بالدوام والمفروض اني ما اكتب او ادخل المدونه بس شوي الشغل متاخر فقلت اتسلى معاكم
هذا ايميل وصلني اليوم فقلت اشاركم معي بقرائته

الدرس 1:
كانت البطة تتحدث مع الثور فقالت له:- ليتني أستطيع بلوغ أعلى هذه الصخرة.- ولم لا؟ (أجاب الثور) يمكنني أن أضع لكِ بعض الروث حتى تساعدك على الصعود.وهكذا كان.في اليوم الأول،سكب الثور روثه بجوار الصخرة فتمكنت البطة من بلوغ ثلثها.وفي اليوم الثاني،حثا الثور روثه في نفس المكان فاستطاعت البطة الوصول لثلثي الصخرة.وفي اليوم الثالث كانت كومة الروث قد حاذت قمة الصخرة.سارعت البطة للصعود،وما أن وضعت قدمها على قمة الصخرة حتى شاهدها صيادٌ فأرداها.
مغزى القصة:
يمكن للقذارة أن تصعد بك إلى الأعلى.ولكنها لن تبقيك طويلاً هناك.


الدرس 2:

هبت رياح ثلجية على بلبلٍ صغير أثناء طيرانه فهوى إلى الأرض متجمدًا.رآه حمارٌ عطوف فأهال عليه شيئًا من التراب ليدفئه.شعر العصفور بالدفء فطفق يغرّد في استمتاع.جذب الصوت ذئبًا فبال على التراب ليطرّيه حتى يتمكن من الظفر بالبلبل.وبعد أن استحال التراب وحلاً،انتشل الذئب البلبل وأكله.

مغزى القصة:
1. ليس كل من يهيل التراب عليك عدواً.
2. ليس كل من ينتشلك من الوحل صديقاً
.3 حينما تكون غارقًا في الوحل،فمن الأفضل أن تبقي فمك مغلقاً


نرطب الجو وهذا فيديوا فكاهي

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Law of the Garbage Truck


اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ فَوَاتِحَ الْخَيْرِ وَخَوَاتِمَهُ، وَجَوَامِعَهُ، وَأَوَّلَهُ وَآخِرَهُ، وَظَاهِرَهُ وَبَاطِنَهُ، وَالدَّرَجَاتِ الْعُلَى مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ آمِـينَ. اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ أسْلَمْتُ، وَبِكَ آمَنْتُ وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ، وَإِلَيْكَ أنَبْتُ، وَبِكَ خَاصَمْتُ، وَإِلَيْكَ حَاكَمْتُ، فَاغْفِرْ لِي مَا قَدَّمْتُ وأَخَّرْتُ، وَأَسْرَرْتُ وَأَعْلَنْتُ. أَنْتَ إلهِي لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ. اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي جَمِيعَ مَا مَضَى مِنْ ذُنُوبِي، وَاعْصِمْنِي فِيمَا بَقِيَ مِنْ عُمُرِي، وَارْزُقْنِي عَمَلاً زَاكِياً تَرْضَى بِهِ عَنِّي.

اللهم صلِ و سلم و بارك على سيدنا و مولانا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم
This is a nice atrical I read and I thought it is worth to post it here
Law of the Garbage Truck
One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We weredriving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of aparking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on hisbrakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver ofthe other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.

My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was reallyfriendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruinedyour car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi drivertaught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run aroundfull of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally.
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbageand spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks takeover their day.

Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,so...Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!

Have a blessed, garbage-free day!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to relax after a stressful day?

Things You'll Need:
§ To say no to others
§ To say yes to you


1) Before you do anything else, change out of your restrictive work clothes
and throw on some loose-fitting sweats or a t-shirt and shorts. Comfort is key.


2) Nothing does it like a long hot bubble bath. A bath relaxes and renews. Go home, and before you do anything,
run a bath. You will be amazed at how much better you feel afterwards

3) If you're hungry or thirsty when you get home, stay away from sugar and caffeine.
The coffee and soda most people drink at the office to keep them alert is bad enough.

4) Turn on some soft background music - no rap or heavy metal.


5) Stretch out on a couch and read a book or do a puzzle (Sudoku, crosswords, etc).
It keeps your brain active, but does so in a leisurely way and effectively takes your mind off of work-related activities.


6) Stay away from computers and the Internet. If you feel like you must turn on the TV,
watch something funny. Laughter works wonders for the body and mind! Instead of watching TV, why not write in your journal?

7) Stretching and exercise is also a good way to get the blood flowing after sitting at a desk for eight or nine hours.
Go for a short run or do some push-ups and crunches. Having access to a pool is ideal... swimming is a great stress reliever.


8) Finally, make a conscious effort to relax. Take deep, rhythmic breaths, loosen and lower your shoulders, wiggle your toes...
anything to ease tension. Remember, no matter how hectic things get, it will all work itself out in the end.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


أَصْـبَحْنا وَأَصْـبَحَ المُـلْكُ لله وَالحَمدُ لله ، لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وَحدَهُ لا شَريكَ لهُ، لهُ المُـلكُ ولهُ الحَمْـد، وهُوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قدير ، رَبِّ أسْـأَلُـكَ خَـيرَ

ما في هـذا اليوم وَخَـيرَ ما بَعْـدَه ، وَأَعـوذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَـرِّ هـذا اليوم وَشَرِّ ما بَعْـدَه، رَبِّ أَعـوذُبِكَ مِنَ الْكَسَـلِ وَسـوءِ الْكِـبَر ، رَبِّ أَعـوذُبِكَ مِنْ عَـذابٍ في النّـارِ وَعَـذابٍ في القَـبْر.

We have reached the morning and at this very time unto Allah belongs all sovereignty, and all praise is for Allah. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over all things omnipotent. My Lord, I ask You for the good of this day and the good of what follows it and I take refuge in You from the evil of this day and the evil of what follows it. My Lord, I take refuge in You from laziness and senility. My Lord, I take refuge in You from torment in the Fire and punishment in the grave.’
How to Be Productive on Saturday Morning?

1. Write a "To Do List" on Wednesday before you leave the office for the weekend.
By writing a list on Friday you give yourself a jump start on Saturday. You are planning ahead so you will have a specific game plan to succeed. Waiting until Saturday to figure out what to do on Saturday is a recipe for failure. Keep the list to 5-10 items.

2. Divide your day into three (3) categories.
First you should read and respond to emails.
Second you should process all the paperwork on your desk and file everything.
Finally you should plan to attend any meetings and make some quality suggestions. By keeping your tasks separate and organized you will be more prepared to win.

3. Read an article related to improving your work related skills.
By making it a weekly task you will put yourself in a position to win as an employee. You are empowering yourself to get that next promotion or to be identified as an asset to the company when those job cuts come.
طبعا السبت لانها بداية الاسبوع عندن افتختلف من مكان لاخر
وطبعا اعتذر من اناجي لاني ما قدرت اترجمه للعربي :(

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to Make Work More Enjoyable

Things You'll Need:
· Plants
· Pictures – wall notes
· Realplayer
· change in attitude

1. Organisation

Whether you have your own office space or not, take note of everything: where the desk is and how it's organized,
whether there's enough lighting, even the carpeting. Sometimes how things are organized can really affect how you feel
while working. Although cleaning up is not only way to improve your work life, it could work wonders on how you feel.
Who wants to work with that pile of paperwork you'll probably never read staring back at you?
Clear the desk, then move on.

2. Creativity

Decorating does not mean you coordinate the wallpaper with the stationery, or have flower arrangements everywhere.
Think simple: Think plants , positive wall notes and paintings. Some folks enjoy mobiles in the office, hanging from the light fixtures
or a hook off the wall. Plants such as philodendron or pothos require little maintenance or adjustment
--you could even talk to them when no one is looking!

3. Real player play list

If you share the space, ask your neighbours if they'll mind a mini-player in the background.
Ask them their favourites to add to an office playlist. If you are lone wolf, this could work in your favour,
since you'll be able to play what motivates you.

4. your attitude

4.1. To make things go smoother at your job no matter what it is, always be prepared for work. Make sure to get plenty of sleep
and give yourself sufficient time to get ready for work. Leave your house with time to spare. You will arrive at work
less stressed. Try to go in with a smile. It will put your co-workers in a better mood and make yours and their
day more pleasant.

4.2. No matter what your job is there are ways to "shine" at work and help you get ahead.
Work hard and make yourself useful in every aspect of your work. Ask your boss if there are any classes you can
take to improve your chances of promotion. Make sure your boss is aware of your desire to get ahead.
Offer to do the jobs no one else wants. Don't let yourself be walked on but be willing to do whatever needs to be done.

4.3. Research the company you work for online. Find out if they offer any online classes and learn what
the company is all about. All of these things will make your job more interesting to you and help you
enjoy your work more. It will no longer seem like just a long, tedious thing that you have to do.

4.4. Remember no matter what kind of work you do it is valuable to someone.
When you keep that in mind you will feel better about what you do. If you are not happy in your job only
you can do something about it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Get The Most work done out of your workday?

Things You'll Need:

1. open mind
2. ability to try something new


1. A good night sleep is important in your job.

You do not want to go to sleep at 2am wake up at 6am to go to work and be caught sleeping in the afternoon. The best way to kick off your day is get to work early. Get to work 15-30 minutes early. Get in relax, catch up on the news that is going on, get your coffee, juice, or soda. Play something that motivates you before you kick off your day. Get your mind in a positive set. Whatever happened yesterday is gone today is a new day embrace it.

2. lunchtime

Lunch time we all plan everything go to the post office, bank, etc. As far as lunch goes its good to take an early lunch 11am or late lunch 2pm - when you have one hour lunch break. If you can bring your lunch to work with you and find a place to relax. By the time you go to lunch wait in a long line and eat your food and rush to get back to the office you will feel like you worked on your lunch. By bringing your lunch to work you save time and have time to maybe take that 20 minute nap that will help you get through the day.

3. Goal setting and achieving.

Set goals for yourself big and small so you can see that you are getting something done. Do not let the little things get to you. Remember positive mind brings positive results. If you have a negative attitude at work it won't work. Work with a positive attitude that you are the best. Everyday won't be a good day but having a positive attitude can have a positive affect on your co-workers. Everybody likes working with someone with a good positive vibe.
4. Increase your work productivity.

Get off the msn, the facebook, fantasy football, etc. Think about how much it eats up your time. Most of us multi-task we work a day job but we may also have dreams we are still pursuing and going to school. Keep your mind focused. Time is more valuable than money. You spent a dollar you earn it back, you waste time tough you can't get that time back. During the workday focus on you and your bottom line we all work to increase it. Focus on the ways to increase your bottom line.
* It is A nice thigs i read so I guess i will shear it with you

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How to get your work done?!

These days, we have so many responsibilities, tasks and assignments to do, and not enough time to complete them!
Things You'll Need:
Planner or Calendar
Yourself ;)
1. Plan ahead.

A good plan ensures success. Start your day with a plan everyday to manage your time effectively and to make progress on your work assignments.
2. Schedule your day.

Create a daily schedule where you set aside specific time during the day when you can perform routine tasks and then plan your work assignments around those times. Routine tasks are those tasks that you perform daily or very often, including tasks such as filing paperwork, sorting mail, checking email or returning phone calls. Try to complete these tasks everyday at a set time. Schedule only 50% of your day. Leave room between assignments, errands and appointments. This will give you plenty of time to get your work done and helps to reduce stress.
3. Manage your time.

Take out your task list and prioritize this list. Use a letter or number system to reflect tasks that are of immediate, moderate or low importance. Now schedule these tasks into your planner or on your calendar and stick to it. Do not procrastinate.
4. Delegate tasks.

If possible, delegate responsibilities and assignments. Choose to delegate tasks that do not require your direct input and will not interfere with your prioritized work assignments. Do not be afraid to delegate tasks. It will not only help you to work more effectively, but may help to foster a more cooperative work environment
5. Get started and focus!

Get started on your task list immediately and work steadily on one task at a time. Multi-tasking is best reserved for easy tasks such as checking email and voice-mail at the same time. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by breaking down larger tasks into smaller more manageable steps. Focus and pay attention to what you are doing. Determine how long each task should take or how long you want to work on it. Set a timer! When the time is up, move on the next assignment on your task list.

6. Set up personalized systems to manage routine tasks such as filing paperwork or writing daily reports.

A work routine can help with keeping your work space clear and uncluttered, thereby helping to get work done. An In-Out-Pending tray/box system can help with sorting paperwork, pending tasks, or incomplete reading. A mail sorting system can help you to sort through your mailbox with ease and to respond to important mail. Any system that you can set up to help with tasks that you do frequently will help to reduce your workload by allowing you to get to the larger and more important projects.